Art Lamp News — melsartlamps
Planet Pisces
art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas mannequin art melsartlamps quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed lamps recycled lamps

Working on my new mannequin Lamp Planet Pisces. The light source will emerge from the head and body with entwined fish logo and pierced constellation on the back and head. At the moment I am making some clay fish to be embedded into a perspex lake to be part of the design. I'm excited about lighting this one could this be the start of planet mannequin! who knows?
Casa de Pajaros
abstract painting art lamps arty lamps contemporary paintings contmporary painting lighting ideas mel winning mels art lamps melsartlamps modern art quirky art quirky lamps reclaimed lamps recycled lamps red orange gold blue green art

I've loved making this one to the music of Frida in the background of my studio. A bit of relief in lockdown to make something joyous and free.
Little Alien
art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas melsartlamps quirky art reclaimed art recycled lamps spooky lamp

Little Alien started life as an abandoned mannequin. After cleaning years of neglect she was opened up by way of a Bosch hand tool. Then a paint layer, then another and another and another!! A wooden base was applied to the bottom for the fitting of some very tall hairpin legs. I made a wire shade and fitted an animal skull which I painted to the back, this gives such an amazing projection on the wall. Finally a long tubular bulb and here she is. Little Alien so very cool and quirky! The only one in the world!
The Rusty Oil Can
art lamps melsartlamps oil can lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art recycled lamps

This humble oil can in the outside space of Nick and Andys Villa in Barcelona. It tones in perfectly with Andy's rusted lanterns that surround the pool. Looks fab Thanks Guys