Art Lamp News — reclaimed Chandelier
The Book Protector Chandelier
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The Book protector Chandelier a commissioned work designed for a dark blue sexy room is a commission. The mannequin arms have been cut down and crossed, then mounted onto a vintage linen book. The arms have been painted and distressed with some gold leaf highlights as if they've once seen better days. the twisted cord has also been distressed and we will be adding bakerlight style lamp holders with dimmable globe bulbs. The cord wrapping around the hands, which is great for being able to adjust the height in your room. It's looking lovely I can't wait to install them Mel
The Book Lights
art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas mels art lamps melsartlamps quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art reclaimed Chandelier reclaimed lamps recycled lamps

The Napoleonic Camel Saddle Chandelier
art lamps arty lamps mel winning mels art lamps quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed Chandelier recycled lamps unique lighting

Four years ago in a flea market I bought this strange thing a Napoleonic Camel Saddle used in the French Egyptian War by the Dromedary division. I thought I would use it to make a coffee table but realising how rare it was I didn't have the heart to cut it up. It sat in my attic for a while then went to auction and wasn't sold. I had the idea of making it into a chandelier in the oldest part of my house with a vaulted ceiling. We knew we could only do it with a scaffold. So finally...