Art Lamp News — reclaimed art
Fallen Memorial
art lamps arty lamps Fallen Memorial lamp. quirky art quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps
Found on a Mannequin Reclaim Farm in Lincolnshire owned by Roz Edwards who has a company called Mannakin, my male abandoned very Russian Looking chap sat around my studio for quite some time. Then with a germ of an idea and several pieces of reclaim that was sitting around in my studio, I set to work with my Bosch hand tool to cut out sections of the body, this is important for me as i like to think about how the light will work. I used fibreglass resin then. to make it look like the cut outs had a stone...
Little Alien
art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas melsartlamps quirky art reclaimed art recycled lamps spooky lamp
Little Alien started life as an abandoned mannequin. After cleaning years of neglect she was opened up by way of a Bosch hand tool. Then a paint layer, then another and another and another!! A wooden base was applied to the bottom for the fitting of some very tall hairpin legs. I made a wire shade and fitted an animal skull which I painted to the back, this gives such an amazing projection on the wall. Finally a long tubular bulb and here she is. Little Alien so very cool and quirky! The only one in the world!
Reclaim Magazine Featured Artist
abstract painting arty lamps contmporary painting Grenfell Towers haunted cake house lamp haunted house cake lamp lighting ideas mel winning mels art lamps modern art quirky art reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps wall art
Thanks to Reclaim Magazine for making me Featured Artist This Month.
A really nice interview about my work and use of reclaimed materials.
The Rusty Oil Can
art lamps melsartlamps oil can lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art recycled lamps
This humble oil can in the outside space of Nick and Andys Villa in Barcelona. It tones in perfectly with Andy's rusted lanterns that surround the pool. Looks fab Thanks Guys
The Haunted Cake House
haunted cake house lamp haunted house cake lamp lighting ideas quirky art quirky lamp reclaimed art spooky lamp